Become a Surrogate in

Becoming a surrogate mother is one of the most profound gifts a woman can give.


Earn up to $49,300

Competitive surrogate pay and top notch support is all part of working with Forward Fertility.


Is Surrogacy Right For Me?

Gestational surrogates are healthy, enjoy being pregnant, want to help others and have a good support system.

Your Guide to Becoming a Wisconsin Surrogate

The Seven Steps for Surrogate mothers outline the process from application to delivery. In general, from application to delivery takes a little over a year.

Step ONE
Applying to be a gestational surrogate — simple, quick, and online

If after reading about being a gestational surrogate you are interested in applying, complete the screening questions. Once the screening application is received and reviewed, you will receive an email directing you to the next step: either inviting you to complete the full application, asking you for additional information, or letting you know that your application was not accepted.

Step Two
Requesting medical records and setting up an in-home interview

If your application is accepted, you will receive an email with a records release that allows you to request your medical records be sent to Forward Fertility. You may need to request records from more than one medical provider. Christie will call you to schedule an in-person meeting with you in your home. 

Step three
Finding the right match

Now that Forward Fertility has connected with you – it is time to match you with the right recipient. Most gestational surrogates will be matched within two to four months, but the process can be as quick as a few weeks. Factors taken into consideration include your travel preferences, your willingness to carry twins, and individual feelings about critical decisions (such as selective reduction or genetic testing).

Step Four
Preparing for fertility treatment

Before treatment begins, you will undergo a medical screening, meet with a mental health professional, and sign legal contracts.

Step Five
Getting pregnant — as a gestational surrogate

The basic process for getting pregnant via gestational surrogacy can be boiled down to three goals for the gestational surrogate. These goals are coordinated by Forward Fertility under the guidance and instruction from the medical team at the fertility clinic where you will be getting your care.

Step Six
The pregnancy and delivery

They say every pregnancy is different. A pregnancy as a gestational surrogate is surely unlike any pregnancy you have had with your own children. A whole team of people helped make this pregnancy possible: the medical staff at the fertility clinic, attorneys, psychologists, your support network, the Parents to Be, and you.

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How to become a surrogate in Wisconsin

Being a surrogate is likely to be a deeply rewarding experience.

Specific surrogate requirements include:

  • Good physical and mental health
  • Living in a stable environment, including financial stability
  • 21 to 40 years old (though some clinics work with women up to age 45)
  • Being a parent to your own child or children
  • No more than two previous C-sections
  • No more than five previous deliveries
  • Willing to take medications (oral, patches, vaginal and/or injections) for several weeks
  • Non smoker and NO exposure to second-hand smoke
  • Must abstain from alcohol, drugs, and make lifestyle modifications as requested
  • Having a healthy body mass index (BMI), ideally less than 30 and a maximum of 32
  • If you are in a relationship, your partner must be supportive of your decision, willing and able to complete infectious disease testing and psychological assessments, and sign legal contracts.
Become a Wisconsin Surrogate

Make dreams come true when you become a Wisconsin surrogate

Learn more about surrogacy

Working with Forward Fertility, you will find support, clear communication, and competitive surrogate compensation.

Carrying a baby for someone else is one of the most profound gifts a woman can give. If you enjoy being pregnant and are healthy, being a surrogate for a family that could not otherwise have a baby is likely to be a deeply rewarding experience for you.

As a gestational carrier, you are not genetically related to the child. Instead, an egg is removed from the mom-to-be or an egg donor and is fertilized with sperm to create an embryo. The embryo is placed inside the uterus of a gestational carrier. Your healthy body is a temporary space for the embryo to grow into a healthy baby.

Gestational carriers are compensated for the risks they take on and most surrogates find the emotional rewards to be much greater and deeper than they had ever imagined.

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With Forward Fertility, you will be sure to enjoy the financial AND emotional compensation that surrogacy can offer


Being a surrogate for a family that cannot otherwise have a baby is enormously rewarding.